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30 septembre 2010


JSF webapps require a “bridge” in order to be deployed as portlets. Liferay
currently supports three bridges:
- The Sun OpenPortal JSF-Portlet Bridge: jsf-portlet.jar
- The MyFacesGenericPortlet: myfaces-impl.jar
- The Apache Portals-Bridges JSF Bridge: portals-bridges.jar
- JSR-301 is developing a “standard” portlet bridge for JSF portlets

very good example for JSF with explanation : JSF for nonbelievers: Clearing the FUD about JSF : creer un composant JSF on voit tout le lifecycle et le composant n'est qu'un taglib : JSF conversion and validation

detailled jsf tutoria by sun:

toutes les urls préfixées par
dwr seront redirigées vers le
servlet DWR

odd : etrange, impair

It's not that difficult to get access to a FacesContext from a servlet
filter.   Just be sure to dispose of it properly when you're done with

We use a Homegrown security application
which on successful authentication returns the RequestHeader Variables
i.e. employee Id etc.
We use JSF Spring Hibernate
Wondering whether i should JSF PhaseListener OR Servlet Filter to
retrieve RequestHeader Variables. This is what i am doing currently not
sure its best practice though. Any suggestions/pointers highly appreciated

Well, the FacesContext isn't available to a Servlet Filter, so unless
you want to do some refactoring of your code I'd stick with what you've got.

If you are listening on the RESTORE_VIEW phase, I don't suppose a phase
listener is much different from a Servlet Filter which has been mapped
to the Faces Servlet (except that the FacesContext is available).

A Servlet Filter can be useful for intercepting a request before the
Faces Servlet is invoked, for example doing URL mapping, sending HTTP
redirects, customizing ServletRequest/Response objects etc etc.

However, if you are trying to do this in a Filter, you are processing before FacesServlet has had a chance to set up a FacesContext for the current request. You need to wait until JavaServer Faces has started processing the request for you.

If you know the User object has already been created, of course, you can use the servlet API directly to retrieve it:
  User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user");

Craig McClanahan

I have a servlet filter that does some authentication    :  login in jsf              : login in jsp using servlet

session management in JSF application
  am developing a web application using JSF framework. Before this, I was designing applications using jsp-servlets technologies and I had a good experience working with this.

In JSP-Servlet based applications, to maintain session we did get the current session from request object and store any information that we could share it with other web components.

But in JSF base application I didn't find a way to get session from request object, indeed I haven't got any request object, so that I can use this object in the same way as we were using this in JSP-Servlet based applications.

I don't know if my argument is reasonable but there must a way to achieve this in JSF based application.
Is that EJBs what I am looking for?
or something else?

I would recommend you review the javax.faces.context.ExternalContext API.


Envoyé par intissar_g 
Je veux dire la sécurité des pages, c'est à dire ne pas afficher une page qu'après vérification du login et du password, et empêcher l'accès à la page via son url. Ainsi que la destruction de session après la déconnexion de l'utilisateur.
J'espère que je me suis bien expliqué. Merci de votre retour

pour interdire l'accès aux pages, tu peux utiliser la sécurité du serveur d'application (security-constraints sous tomcat).
si tu n'a pas de facelets ou autre librairie, juste JSF, le fait de mettre les pages dans le dossier WEB-INF, interedit l'accés direct au page jsf.

pour vérifier si le user est authentifier, tu peux le faire dans un filtre ou dans le PhaseListener

Phaselistner :

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